Aleenta 华欣度假村的可持续发展
从我们开始构建 Aleenta 的那一刻起,我们的指导原则就是尊重环境并培养对我们的星球以及我们酒店和客人所在的社区产生积极影响的做法。
- 我们为客人提供可再填充陶瓷饮水机的浴室用品;一路上避开了数千个塑料瓶。
- 别墅中的玻璃水瓶可确保减少浪费(避免使用数千个塑料瓶)和更好的水质,让我们的客人保持水分。
- 冰沙、果汁和鸡尾酒通过华丽的玻璃吸管(可应要求提供纸质吸管)啜饮。
- 别墅提供的免费鞋类由棉制成并经过专业洗涤;确保它们被重复使用而不是拒绝!
宾客用品(肥皂、洗发水、沐浴露、护发素和水疗产品)均采用 100% 天然原料,由当地供应商使用当地采购的精油专门为 Aleenta 制造,并且零化学香料、对羟基苯甲酸酯或经过动物测试。
- 对于想要带一些东西回家的客人,可以在我们的补充品精品店 Galleria 购买房间内使用的当地制造的青瓷容器以及设施本身。拥有自己瓶子的客人可以根据需要购买任意数量的产品,从有机洗发水到沐浴露再到驱蚊剂。
- 将食物和有机废物堆肥成营养丰富的肥料,用于我们的花园和景观美化。
- 对塑料、纸张和金属进行分类以供回收。
- 对玻璃和木材进行分类以供再利用和/或回收。
- 不可生物降解的植物油被回收用于可持续的生物柴油和环保航空燃料,重新定义了绿色酒店的本质。
- 向生产假肢的假肢基金会(清迈)捐赠铝罐。迄今为止,他们已经为 2 万多名截肢者带来了新的生命……而且是免费的!
- 度假村的低层设计经过精心规划,以保护当地生态系统并保留周围宁静的景色;所有轮廓、土壤、树木和天然水资源要么保持其原始形式,要么以最小的改变进行利用。
- 我们使用负责任采购的天然材料,例如工程木材,这有助于我们防止森林砍伐,减少产生的废物(工程木材的使用寿命比纯硬木长约 5 倍),并通过避免使用会释放危险 VOC(挥发性有机化合物)气体的产品来改善室内空气质量有机化合物)常见于合成材料和常用于纯硬木的整理处理中。
- 每栋别墅都有自己的水处理系统;利用微生物和酶而不是刺激性化学物质来处理水。
- 漂浮式增氧机氧化蓄水池中的水,促进细菌生长。
- 我们通过使用各种吸收二氧化碳并使水充氧的水生植物来维护健康的水花园;保持水体清洁,减少藻类,让我们的鱼茁壮成长。
- 处理后的水每月由专业实验室进行分析,以确保质量和安全。
- 排放回环境中的水达到或超过政府标准
- 政府审查废水处理作为我们年度许可证更新的一部分
- 节约淡水供应:
- 灰水用于浇灌花园和景观
- 饮用水瓶中剩余的水用于盆栽植物
- 热水系统旨在通过以下方式确保客人享受热水,同时最大限度地减少热量损失和用电量:
- 使用铜管而不是钢管或 PVC。
- 对所有热水器进行保温。
- 从空调系统捕获热量来帮助加热水。
- 建筑设计旨在最大限度地利用自然光。
- 在所有玻璃门窗上涂上 Solar Guard 薄膜(St.Gorbain ©),从而减少 60% 热传导、99.9% 紫外线,并保持房间凉爽,而无需经常使用空调。
- 已制定五年内安装太阳能电池板的预算。
- 在公共区域安装运动探测器,以减少无人在场时的能源消耗。
- 安装了太阳能供电和定时器控制的景观照明。
- 雇用当地人并让他们有机会让他们的社区感到自豪。
- 全年定期组织海滩清理活动。
- 通过我们的慈善基金会 Pure Blue 支持当地的海洋研究和保护,该基金会赞助了两个海龟保护区; Koh Kloi 和 Thai Mueang。
- 从当地企业采购,从而为当地经济做出贡献,并减少从国外甚至其他省份运输货物所需的污染和废物。
- 瑜伽、太极拳和冥想等免费健康项目将当地的专业知识与令人惊叹的山坡和海景融为一体。
- 我们通过互动学习体验为客人提供“品尝”当地风味的机会,例如参观我们占地 25 英亩的有机农场,其中包括帮助从散养鸡身上收集鸡蛋、学习提取芦荟汁液和折叠香兰叶,以及烹饪课程。
- 我们的“反动物剥削政策”意味着我们 不要 出售门票、接受佣金或以任何方式宣传利用动物的旅游和表演(即骑大象、老虎或海豚表演)。
- 我们 做 促进有益和身临其境的体验,例如参观泰国第一个海洋公园 Khao Sam Roi Yot。客人可以探索令人难以置信的红树林,协助公园护林员进行重新造林项目,并了解这个维持着无数海洋物种的令人惊叹的生态系统。
费用为 THB30( <US$1.00) is required for every tree planted; this directly funds further environmental projects within the park. For guests who require transportation to / from the park, we can arrange for a nominal cost.
我们的厨师不仅以合乎道德的方式在当地采购原料,以确保新鲜和正宗的风味,还在我们专门的有机花园中种植 50 多种香草和时令蔬菜。我们种植的物品都被使用了!
- 在厨房准备精美的泰国菜肴以及国际美食;确保营养价值和风味最大化。
- 由调酒团队打造独特的注入方式,打造清爽创新的鸡尾酒。
- 在水疗中心准备我们的内部精油和乳液,用于磨砂、裹敷和按摩等特色护理中的舒缓和治疗作用。
- 对于素食主义者或只是想减少肉类消费的客人,我们提供多样化的菜单,包括健康、美味和道德的选择,让良心平静下来,挑逗味蕾!
Aleenta 华欣班布里度假村欢迎宾客、社区和员工就我们为改善环境和社会影响所做的工作提出反馈,包括有关如何改进的建议。请将您的意见或想法通过电子邮件发送至 [email protected].
Stephanie T.2022-08-22 Best stress-relieving massage! Best stress-relieving massage i've ever had! Went to see K. Aor hoping she could help with chronic stiffness and soreness in my shoulders.... And she knew just what to do. Her deep tissue massage was amazing and made such a difference in reducing muscle tension. My shoulders finally feel relaxed again! K. Aor was professional and extremely knowledgeable - she even recommended a series of simple stretching exercises to do at home to keep my shoulders limber. I can't wait for my next massage with K. Aor! Next time, I will schedule my massage on the first day of our stay so that i can squeeze in more massade treatments at Ayurah Spa! Agnes2022-08-22 Perfect Private Pool Villa Staycation With a size of 141 square meters, a daybed, and a sizable private pool, the Grand Deluxe Pool Villa is a fantastic value if you're looking for a private pool villa vacation. It is, in my opinion, perfect for extended stays and romantic getaways for couples. The resort places a great value on wellness and spa, and this is clear from their extensive massage, yoga, and pilates programs to their wellness dining selection. I've participated in yoga and full body massage, and I'd definitely suggest doing so at least once while you're here. A lot of healthy options are available for a la carte breakfast at Aleenta Phuket, including bircher muesli, poached eggs with salmon and avocado, a super bowl with quinoa and chia seeds, and a variety of omelette and traditional breakfast options. I thought the breakfast was generous, and you can always get more if you're still hungry. The main pool is the best spot to be if you want to enjoy the beach and sea view. There are sundecks and an area with shade at the main pool if you want to cool off. While in the pool, you can also sip on beverages and cocktails. Your holiday will start soon after you land because the resort is just 25 minutes from the Phuket airport. Kadambini S2022-08-10 The perfect holiday Fantastic location. Fantastic food. They made sure we get pure Jain food in every meal. And they offered us all the variety possible. We stayed at the Ocean Front villas. They were huge and beautiful. Not very far from the main restaurant and common pool and beach. Just a few flight of stairs. Chef Ake made sure he prepared authentic Thai red curry and green curry, fried rice, spicy noodles and pizza, nachos and Pasta. Reception staff- Nusri and Noo also knew Jain food very well and were very very helpful. The location was great, but the hospitality just took it a notch higher. Special mention to the restaurant staff. They are just so sweet and helpful and always smiling. They get us cold ice water whenever we are under the sun even without asking. Something to remember: There are no buggies. The Deluxe pool villas are on the other side of the beach completely. They are very nice rooms, but are far from the beach. The hotel is quite far from Patong and 20 minutes from Patong. There’s no night life around this place. So be sure you want to just have a relaxing beach holiday. Tip: DO NOT MISS THE SUNSET FROM THE BEACH AT THE HOTEL. It is unreal on a clear day. jshang2022-08-08 Blissful and Peaceful This is our fifth time back here and as always, Aleenta never fails to impress and amaze. This time round, we chose the grand deluxe villa(villa 704) which is across the road, a newer development and away from the beach facing suites and pool villas that we normally stay in. The grand deluxe is spacious, simple but classy, clean and neat that come with its private pool and lots of surrounding greenery providing adequate privacy. Very simply, comfort, good food, relaxing massages, a nice and quiet golden sand beach, solitude, bliss and tranquility, a recipe we always look for are all here. Service as always is spot on, nothing is too much and going the extra mile for customers as we know all along have always been synonymous with Aleenta. Credit to the front office manager(pardon me for overlooking your name) who was always cheerful and at hand to provide all the info and support we needed planning the next leg of our trip. Also on one of the nights where it was close to midnight and we ran out of drinks at our villa, a staff member open up the bar again and replenish our alcohol supply even though he was officially off duty. That was very much appreciated. Obviously there will be some minor inconveniences as happened to us with the intermittent Wi-Fi disconnection and sudden disruption of water supply at the spa while having our massages. But if you are a regular visitor to Phuket, we should know by now that these are all special peculiar characteristics associated with the whole of the island. All said, we are pretty sure it will not be long that we will set foot on Aleenta again. Lisa Albegger2022-08-07 Wunderschöner Ruhepol Wir dürften zwei Wochen in dieser schönen Anlage verbringen: Hier dreht sich alles um das Thema Wasser. Beinahe jedes Zimmer, Suite oder Villa verfügt über einen eigenen Pool - auch der Hauptpool ist wunderschön. Wir waren in den the sea view lofts über 2 Etagen untergebracht und - nachdem in der Regenzeit natürlich das Hotel nicht voll ist - hatten wir den riesigen, ich glaube über 30 m langen, Pool mit direktem Zugang für zwei Wochen nur für uns alleine Das Essen im Hotel Restaurant ist sensationell auch das servierte Frühstück mit den à la carte Gerichten. Alle Mitarbeiter waren sehr zuvorkommend freundlich und haben uns eine besondere Zeit beschert. Wir hatten Riesenglück: In zwei Wochen hatten wir eine Woche strahlenden Sonnenschein, zwei Tage Regenwetter und ansonsten war es einfach nur wolkig und das zur absoluten Regenzeit. Ideal um ruhige Zeit zu verbringen, bei Ausflügen sind ganz wenige Menschen, es ist nicht viel los und dennoch ist die Infrastruktur perfekt. Der Strand ist menschenleer und wunderschön… ich glaube wir haben den perfekten Zeitpunkt gewählt …PS: Wer die Gelegenheit nutzen möchte um sich einen perfekten Maßanzug nähen zu lassen der ist auch hier bestens beraten - die Empfehlung des Hotels war ein Volltreffer wunderschöne Blusen, perfekte Hemden und Anzüge zu einem sehr guten Preis FOAPH2022-08-04 Perfect Holidays at Paradise Perfect all everything. foods, locations and staff service, we fell in love the paradise here, we will be back next time, highly recommended for quiet and relaxing place. We appreciated for all they have been willing to serve us to be the best !!! Mel Loh2022-08-02 Amazing Getaway from the City! Came here with my partner in end Jul 2022 without realising it's monsoon season in Phuket! Luckily for us it barely rained except for 1-2 nights :) Our stay at Aleenta was amazing - the service was impeccable from the driver, to front desk, to restaurant staff, to the hotel manager Noo. The airport transfer was a breeze, car was huge and they even provided a cold towel and cold water in the vehicle. Check in was smooth, they had an app that you can use to request for things like ice bucket and housekeeping. The app was a little buggy but I appreciated the idea and it was useful. The room was perfect - small pool, lounge area, huge bathroom and super soft bed. The room was a bit dated and could probably use some renovation but it was still a great stay - and I love how they lighted lemongrass (?) candles for us before we entered the room! Breakfast was great and everyone is always friendly - also, try their dinner! Food was superb. Overall, it was a really comfortable stay and we enjoyed being away from the hustle and bustle of the city. One small point to note is that the area lacked amenities such as mini-marts and 7-11s and just general food options and the only food you can get would be from the resort restaurant or the 1 cafe in the area. We walked ~1 hour to the nearest 7-11. If you're looking for shopping, or nightlife, or exploration, this may not be the resort for you, but if you're looking for a getaway and to spend some quality time with your loved ones, this would be a perfect choice :) (PS: After our trip, we thought the perfect fit would be 2 nights in Phuket City/ Patong and 2 nights here to rest and relax.) LUXEVOY2022-08-02 A Great Choice for Romantic Couples Getaway This review is about the stay at Grand Deluxe Pool Villa. 1) Arrival Airport transfer was pre-arranged, the driver greeted us with our name card at the Phuket airport. It took about 30 minutes to reach the resort from the airport. Once we reached the resort we were greeted by the staff and went through the check-in process that was seamless. 2) Grand Deluxe Pool Villa The villa is just the right size at 140sqm offering plenty of space for a couple and the private pool is quite large as well. The palms and lush greenery certainly add to the tropical vibes holiday and we could easily spend most of our day at the villa enjoying in-room dining and sipping wine. In addition, you can literaly walk into the pool directly from the bedroom. The villa also offers complete privacy if you prefer to sunbathe topless. 3) Breakfast A large hotel chain may offer a larger spread of choices for a breakfast buffet but we found that the a la carte breakfast menu at Aleenta Phuket Resort & Spa had plenty of choices and you can order as many dishes as you want. It's a different type of experience, so that is entirely up to your preference. For this trip we aimed to have a more private stay and also had a very nice floating breakfast served at our villa. 4) Spa and Yoga There is a dedicated Spa at the resort and I can recommend the aroma oil message that was very relaxing and comparable to other top spa experiences we've had in Thailand. For a bit of exercise and and felixibility exercise we booked a Yoga session which was just as great. 5) Beachfront area, main pool and restaurant The resort also has the main large pool where you can enjoy cocktails and gaze into the sunset. Restaurant is next to the main pool and a romantic candle light dinner can be arranged on the beach as well. In summary, I think the stay at Aleenta Phuket Resort & Spa was well worth it, I think it is especially suitable for couple's who are looking for a private getaway offering a lage private pool villa and I will certainly be returning for another holiday. RAEANNE C2022-07-25 Relaxing Getaway at Aleenta Phuket! We had a wonderful 6 days at Aleenta! Service was impeccable and staff were all friendly ;) We were assisted by Noo who was very helpful and welcoming during our stay and was patient and detailed in explaining the various tours to us! Aleenta also offers transport to and from various attractions which are very comfortable. We were given good recommendations by Wan of what to eat and do ag the Phuket night market! Restaurant and housekeeping staff were very pleasant and helpful as well. Highly recommend this resort for a relaxing getaway! Thank you Aleenta! raeanne & valencia Camper6589382022-07-25 First trip since 2020! Had a wonderful stay at the Aleenta, villa was spacious and well-equipped. Staff were friendly, helpful and warm. We were well looked after and had lots of fun, enjoyed our 6 days here very much! they offer tours and transport which are clean and very pleasant! Service here is wonderful and we will definitely be back! Highly recommend! xx, Valencia and RaeAnne















